Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Leadership Roles

What, you may be asking yourself, are these titles for this fledgling kingdom we are being asked to fill in the Kingmaker Player's Guide? Allow me to elucidate.

The ruler is the primary leader of the kingdom. His current title is Baron (or Baroness).

The councillor ensures the will of the citizenry is represented.

The general commands the kingdom's armies and is a public hero.

Grand Diplomat
The grand diplomat oversees international relations.

High Priest
The high priest guides the kingdom's religious needs and growth.

The magister guides a kingdom's higher learning and magic.

The marshal leads the kingdom's defence and city guards.

Royal Assassin
The royal assassin can serve as a public executioner, a headsman, or a shadowy assassin.

The spymaster observers the kingdom's underworld and criminal elements and spies on other kingdoms.

The treasurer organizes tax collection, and manages the treasury.

The warden helps organize patrols and enforces justice in rural and wilderness regions.

Chapter 8 Experience Rewards

All characters receive the following experience rewards for Chapter 8:

400 xp for returning to Kesten Garess with word of the demise of Falgrim Sneeg
400 xp for ending the Stag Lord's reign and therefore the bandit threat
1,600 bonus xp for successfully completing Kingmaker Adventure Path #1 - Stolen Land

In addition, Anatalia, Maladan and Blaidd receive the following experience rewards:

1,200 xp for dealing with Nugrah the Decrepit

That's 480 xp for Jonah and Aeric, 880 xp for the rest of the PCs. Except for Maladan, whose player earned him another 400 xp roleplaying bonus for navigating some tricky moments with his character. Good job!

In addition to this, substantial wealth can be recovered in the remains of the Stag Lord's Fort. This pales in comparison, however, with the potential to be found in a little piece of paper that just arrived from Restov....

... a new charter.

Sunday, November 21, 2010